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PIAP patron of the Taropak


We are happy to inform you that the Polish Chamber of Promotional Articles has been the patron of Taropak and 4Print

The Polish Chamber of Promotional Articles was established in February 2007. It associates, on a voluntary basis, business entities dealing in the services and production of promotional items, import as well as companies operating as advertising agencies.

The PIAP activity is multidirectional. The most important task is to fulfill statutory duties and to represent and protect the economic interests of the associated companies in the broad sense of the word. In this regard, there is, inter alia, comprehensive help in solving current problems related to running a business. The Chamber has started cooperation with experts in various fields, who respond to letters on letters and give basic advice. Opinions and positions developed in this way are representative for the entire sector. The widely available training activity on issues related to the advertising articles sector, which is run by PIAP, also affects the education of people working in the industry. The actions undertaken are conducive to the implementation of the main goals and tasks. The Chamber strives to ensure that promotional articles are treated as an important and effective marketing tool and the expenditure on such products is a permanent and important point in the budgets of companies. He runs image and information campaigns on the pages of opinion-forming media. He also takes part in the fight to adapt Polish tax law to the needs of conducting effective business operations. The Polish Chamber of Promotional Articles since 2012 is a member of the Polish Chamber of Commerce.
