Labels and Printing?
The fact that packaging, printing, and labeling are closely related areas does not need to be convinced. Responding to the needs of the industry along with the TAROPAK 2019 Fair, the 4PRINT | DIGITAL | INDUSTRIAL FLEKSO | 3D Fair is organized. It allows meeting modern printing. Exhibitors present innovative printing technologies on various materials during these fairs, including 3D printing or offset techniques. The organizers focus on solutions dedicated to various industry sectors. Countless possibilities offered by contemporary print can be applied in many different fields, from traditional printing, through the packaging, furniture, and food industry.
At this year's TAROPAK, HEIDELBERG will run its Packaging Academy. The leader of the printing market will provide an opportunity to get acquainted with the latest IT solutions supporting the implementation of business and production processes, business management, specialized financial and operational analysis and development of production technologies in terms of optimization, efficiency, and reduction of manufacturing costs.

-We also plan to isolate and display labeling issues. Being aware of the importance of labels, both in product marketing and in production and warehousing logistics, we would like to emphasize their presence in TAROPAK. - sums up Zdrojewska.